วันเสาร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

ccn sanny

Merkel and Sarkozy urge Greek aidrioters in Greece

Germany and France say they want a new bail-out for debt-ridden Greece to be agreed as soon as possible.

Our Expert

Gavin Hewitt Article written by Gavin Hewitt Gavin Hewitt Europe editor

Greece: The reckoning

Gavin Hewitt assesses the options as Greece's political leaders try to pull its economy out of freefall.
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Merkel and Sarkozy urge Greek aidrioters in Greece

Germany and France say they want a new bail-out for debt-ridden Greece to be agreed as soon as possible.

Our Expert

Gavin Hewitt Article written by Gavin Hewitt Gavin Hewitt Europe editor

Greece: The reckoning

Gavin Hewitt assesses the options as Greece's political leaders try to pull its economy out of freefall.
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South East Asia University



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